Nick Dexter welcomes you to Know Who You Are. My interest in family history started in my early teens (in the 1970s) - attempting to sketch out a family tree with vast numbers of uncles, aunts, great uncles etc. I obtained my first certificate from the General Record Office in July 1974 and did much research from original records, well before the internet. Over the next forty years I've kept doing and learning, carrying out my own research, but also for friends. And more recently, I’ve been involved with a couple of local historical research groups. I retired in 2017 – a senior civil servant, with legal qualifications and a masters degree in business. But still with a youthful passion for family history. Know Who You Are combines those skills and passion. I am a member of the Society of Genealogists; and also an associate of the Association of Genealogists and Researchers in Archives and abide by their code of practice.